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bonjour ~

Welcome to the Super Awesome world! I is a precious girl. Make me comfortable with you and you will treaten the same. Let me know if you love me xoxo PMR victims.Sweetheart mine. Done read, Done to keep secret. Do you ?

: Afif Izzati, 20 Disember 1998, Islam.
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recent update :
written on Saturday 14 December 2013 @ 22:00 ✈

She hurts, she is in pain. But all in all she just smile.
Maybe she laughed so hard, but it's just a drama.
She always looked so happy all the day, but inside she is broken,
People always judge her, but they are not in her shoes at all.
When you cares about someone heart, but then they broke your heart easily.
If there have someone who will lean his or her shoulder, she will be statisfied but no one did that.
She keeps all the sadness inside, but then people still judge her because she is lying that she is fine.
Is that a big lie ? or you just don't want to make him worried and sad because of her. Think, before you punished her without know her reason.
Stop make her likes an option she is not either the option.
She also woman who has heart and easily cry. Don't said that you love her when you're the person
who make she cries everyday.
She is tired with this life but she keep on with smile.
That smile is her strength. She know Allah is the best planner of this all.
Ya Allah, I know you know that I am hurt and pain. I know you know what in my heart, 
Allah please give me the strong so I can through all this. Ya Allah I AM TIRED OF CRYING :'( 

And all what she write above is her life. Life with her best friend TEARS.

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written on @ 21:45 ✈

I get sick, I get hurt it's because Allah test me with all the problems. Let's crying if it can make you become more stronger, let's crying if it can make you peace after that. God never blame you if you cry. But He asked you to cry if it can washed up all the sadness into you. God count your tears dear.

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written on Wednesday 30 October 2013 @ 23:37 ✈

Hai hoii hello! Haha bosannya harini hm hm hm. Nak online tapii hmm malas lah. Sikap malas ni memang sebati dalam diri ini. Haha. Hm nak cerita apa ye ? Em sekarang ni hidup aku dah banyak berubah, Alhamdulillah even banyak perkara yang sangat menduga kekuatan aku but then I still strong! Kuat sangat ke ? Tak, sikit pun tak kuat. Cuma bertahan dan senyum seolah- olah kita tak pernah rasa sakit sebelum ni. As easy as that! Walaupun takda siapa yang ada cuma hanya  ada Allah and akif tersayang. Hihi. Aku dah banyak berubah bahagian kebaikan ye. Haha, dah banyak dah muhasabah diri balik. Everything happened for a reason. Am I right ? Yes obviously. Antaranya adalah tak kisah dah pakai, makan, guna barang brand apa pun. Even tak branded or what else. Ye, dulu memang semuanya nak kena ada brand even benda kecik sekalipun macam stationery sekolah. Gila kan? Haha every year kena guna yang baru yang lama buang even benda tu tak guna lagi. Abang sangat berbeza, dia guna apa yang ada and tak kisah brand apa pun or takda brand. Soal makan pun sama, I’m not use hand while eating at school or everywhere. It’s look disgusting or what. Tapi now dah boleh practice dah kot! Haha. Bukan nak sombong, bukan juga nak berlagak tapi memang sifat asli begini. Impian aku punya lah tinggi melangit nak tu nak ni, but then mungkin mimpi je. Haha. Tapi berubah pun sejak jumpa akif. Bayangkan aku tak pernah  hidup macam serba tak lengkap. Alhamdulillah, mama abah mampu belikan apa yang terbaik untuk kitaorang. And I felt so sad when hear akif’s story. He is so humble. Just use what you have. Find your own money! Ughh gila ah. Aku dulu memang tak suka bila nampak macam tu or macamni. What he is trying to do ? Aku selalu fikir macamtu. Haha jahatnya -,- for me there is no work as I’m still young just 15 years old. Duit semua mintak dapat. Tapi dia lain. Hmm so konklusinya jangan suka pandang rendah dekat orang. Sekurang- kurangnya dia berusaha sendiri dan reti bersyukur. Tapi aku ? Dahlah malas nak berusaha, bersyukur pun tak! Apa punya teruk lah afif ni! Hahaha. Kesian akif dapat awek macam aku ni em. Haha. Dahlah tak reti nak berdikari lepastu tak reti berjimat pulak tu =.= lain sangat dengan akif yang sangaaaaat berjimaaat dan pandai berdikari. Berangan dari kecik nak ambik maid tapi bila tanya dekat akif dan ini jawapannya “JANGAN NAK MENGADA”! ambik kau. Hahaha puas hati!! Punah harapan masa depan aku ni! Hahahahhahaha. Tak tolerate langsung! Em hahahahaha. Actually aku yang malas nak belajar. Sapu sampah pun tak reti, lipat kain pun baru belajar this year! Masak ? kirim salam lah! Haha. Kawan kelas je tau kenapa aku taknak buat semua tu. Bukannya sengaja tapi ada reason tersendiri lah! Haha kalau dia tahu ni mungkin kena gelak sampai setahun!! Hahahhaha. Aku dekat sekolah kan gangster sikit. Haha. Banyaknya aku merepek. Haha okay tapi purpose post ni pasal aku dah berubah menjadi seorang yang tak kisah pakai barang murah, tak kisah makan tepi jalan, tak kisah makan guna tangan, and dah tak kisah pegi pasar malam!!! Yeayyy! Afif dah berubah. Hahahaha. So friends jangan pandang rendah dekat aku. Aku dah boleh hidup bersederhana. Guna apa yang ada. Emmmmmm hmm okay! Haha. See with my next post! Sayang Muhammad Akif :)

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written on Friday 25 October 2013 @ 21:27 ✈


Sometimes Allah just to want us to be grateful with what we have,
He test us with a lot of sadness, pain and even hurt,
But He will never test us more than our ability,
He knows our best,
Just be patient with these test, 

Ya Allah, 
I had tried my best,
If today I lost my hope,
Please tell me that Your plan is better than my dream,

Ya Allah,
I get tired with this life,
Sometimes I just wish I never live in this life,
I tired with people who never want to see I’m smile,
What my faults ya Allah ? 

Ya Allah,
Just gives me some strength than it should be enough for me,
I need to be patient,
Even I had tired of crying,
But I will try my best,
Just to hide this pain.

-Afif Izzati-

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written on @ 21:22 ✈


Assalamualaikum  dan haii bloggers. Dah lama tak update blog dah. Hihi. Actually, sekarang ni tengah bosan, so sebab tu yang update blog ni. Kali ni update blog dalam bahasa melayu atas permintaan sahabat- sahabat saya. Hahaha. Kejap je rasanya pmr dah habis. Rasanya baru semalam belajar *cewahh haha. Sekarang ni dah sangat bosan, taktau nak buat apa kat rumah ni. Online 24jam pun bosan jugak. Hm nak keluar ? Mimpi di siang hari lah mama nak bagi keluar hmmmmm. Nak keluar dengan kawan pun susah, ni kan dengan akif ? Hm. Dah penat dah bertekak dengan mama that’s everything will be alright. And she still don’t get it. Huh, okay so the end tetap duduk rumah dan rasa sangat terkongkong gila. Hmm dah penat sangat nak menangis setiap petang dan malam. Penaaaaaaaat sangat. Kenapalah takda siapa pun yang nak faham aku even once. Why why why is it happened to me ? what my faults ? *crying hmmm. Bila ada orang buat aku nangis, jangan ingat aku lupa apa yang korang dah buat. Setiap perkataan yang keluar dari mulut korang untuk aku, setiap perlakuan semua tu aku ingat! And I really remember how one person can ruin my life. Kadang- kadang tu rasanya nak sangat tumbuk muka kau tu, baru kau tau sakit tu macam mana. Bila aku dah start nangis pasal satu benda and semua benda aku nangis sekali dari orang ni and orang ni. Pujuk ? Sape je yang nak pujuk aku. Takde siapa pun yang ada bila aku nangis. Akif ? mimpi lah kalau dia nak pujuk aku. So, senyum buat macam aku tak pernah rasa sakit selama ni. Fake smile and move on. Dengar masalah orang lain, sampai masalah sendiri takda siapa yang sudi nak dengar. Takpe dah biasa hidup rasa diabaikan. Biasa sangat dah. Sometimes, nak jugak ada orang yang cakap You are the strong girl and you can through this, I know you can. Susah sangat ke nak dengar ? Hmm. Acha je selalu cakap yang aku kuat sangat, sebab aku boleh pendam semua ni. Aku diam tak banyak cakap. Aku terlalu memendam sampai setiap saat aku rasa nak nangis.  I had lost everything. Everything!! My life, my friends, my love , my hope, and my parents never be fair on me. I had lost them. You know how can I survived without them ? Pretend that you never seen your best friend with other friend ? How can she just forget the three years ? How can she forget it so easy ? Parents, when they always argue with what you do ? Abang boleh buat, boleh keluar siang malam lepas pmr. Tapi aku ?!! *crying. Love ? You know what, when you think the person you love will never hurt you, then he hurt you the most ? Has you ever think about it ?! Tapi takpe hati ni dah lali dengan semua ni. Air mata dah jadi best friend aku setiap hari. Takda siapa peduli, takda siapa faham dan takda siapa nak dengar masalah aku. Bila ada banyak dalam fikiran aku setiap hari, then migrain aku datang. Sakittttt sangaaat tau ?! Tahan sakit and still buat macam biasa. Padahal aku pernah hentukkan kepala aku dekat dinding sebab sakit gilaaaa!!! Tau tak sakittttttttttt sangatttt! Terpaksa tidur sebab terlalu sakit sampai tak balas text akif. And macam biasa kena marah. And macam biasa mintak maaf. Tak perlu rasanya bagi tau kalau kita ni sakit. Aku tak suka mintak simpati orang. Kalau dia sayang aku dia tau apa yang perlu dia buat. Setiap malam menangis  rasa macam diri ni dah sangat tak berguna.*serious talk. I just need someone who will listen to my problem and give me some motivation words which can make me more stronger. Tapi aku tau impian aku satu pun tak pernah tercapai. So, lupakan. Hmm banyak nya aku luahkan rasa hati ni. Menangis aku update blog ni hmmm. Kuat afif is kuat! Takda siapa nak cakap macam tu dekat aku. So, diri sendiri bagi nasihat. Takda siapa peduli. Sorry kalau ada siapa terasa. Blog aku, suka hati aku nak update apa. Kau sakit hati ? Lain kali jangan baca apa yang aku update.Aku tak suruh sapa- sapa baca pun. Sebab aku ni memang teruk. Tak reti jaga perasaan orang lain kata akif. Oh okaylah berhenti disini. Afif is a strong girl! Motivate to myself. 

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Akif's Princess
written on Tuesday 15 October 2013 @ 19:54 ✈

Loveyou Muhammad  Akif :)

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written on Monday 30 September 2013 @ 01:57 ✈



Please forgive all my sins God. My sins towards You and human, before I attend for PMR. I had struggle my very best. Study all the night, I had tried my best and  I hope I get answer the questions with peace and patient. Please pray for me. God please make my wish come true. So, then I can make my parents proud of me even once. I hope during the examination everything will be fine. To all my beloved friends 3RK, Acha, Zunah and my dearest Akif, please do your best. I know we can do it! Let’s ‘tawakal’ to God. I had done with study. Let Allah arrange everything for me. I know He know my best :) Pray for my PMR. May I get flying colours in PMR. Amin Ya Allah :)


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written on Tuesday 24 September 2013 @ 05:06 ✈


“When someone is crying, of course, the noble thing to do is to comfort them. But if someone is trying to hide their tears, it may also be noble to pretend you do not notice them.” 

“Tears shed for another person are not a sign of weakness. They are a sign of a pure heart.” 

“The tears of the world are a constant quantity. For each one who begins to weep somewhere else another stops. The same is true of the laugh.” 

“Guys always think tears are a sign of weakness. They’re a sign of FRUSTRATION. She’s only crying so she won’t cut your throat in your sleep. So make nice and be grateful.” 

“But smiles and tears are so alike with me, they are neither of them confined to any particular feelings: I often cry when I am happy, and smile when I am sad.” 

“My body needs laughter as much as it needs tears. Both are cleansers of stress.” 

“She didn't mind a little rain. At least no one would see her cry.” 

“I cried so hard after I had study. I guess I shouldn’t have cried so hard, because with all my sobbing, I ended up waking it up.

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” 

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written on @ 04:58 ✈


Pada hari penciptaan PEREMPUAN..

MALAIKAT bertanya kepada TUHAN "apakah keistimewaan dari ciptaanMU ini?"
Lalu TUHAN menjawab
"ada banyak KEISTIMEWAAN yang dimiliki oleh ciptaanKU ini".. :
Di balik KELEMBUTANNYA dia memiliki kekuatan yang begitu dahsyat..
TUTUR katanya merupakan KEBENARAN..
SENYUMAN'nya adalah SEMANGAT bagi orang yang dicintainya..
PELUKAN & CIUMANnya bisa memberi keHANGATAN bagi orang-orang yang dicintainya
Dia TERSENYUM bila melihat temannya tertawa..
Dia TERHARU bila melihat anaknya menjadi JUARA..
Dia mampu TERSENYUM dibalik KESEDIHAN'nya..
Dia sangat GEMBIRA melihat KELAHIRAN..
Dia begitu sedih melihat KEMATIAN..
TITISAN air matanya bisa membawa PERDAMAIAN.
Tapi dia sering lupa 1hal"...
Apa itu Yaa TUHAN?? Bahwa "Betapa BERHARGA dia"...
Wanita begitu BERHARGA... Dan sangat BERHARGA..dan jangan sia-siakan cintanya. ;) "

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written on Sunday 15 September 2013 @ 22:06 ✈


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO AKIF, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Hihi. Happy Birthday Akif! I love you my akif. Hope all your wishes will come true and may God blessing you. You had grown up now! So please don’t be naughty okay. Hahahaha. Thank you for being my boyfriend, my soul mate and my everything. Hihi. I always miss you day by day. Thank you for being there for me when I need you. And thank you for your positive motivation for me. You know what, you are the best thing that happened in my life :) I never taught that you are my world now. You are my cute boy who I love until my last breath. For the last, I really hope you love the presents that I gave you. Happy Birthday Akif! Saya sayang awak :) 17 Sept 2013. 

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